Friday, September 24, 2010


Healthcare is spending over two and a half trillion dollars every year. Eighteen percent of GPD is being wasted. That means that over seven hundred million dollars a year is just going down the drain. Healthcare costs are going up six to seven percent every year.  There are so many problems with Healthcare. One of them being that there are not many electronic health records. That causes a lot of problems one of them being money lost. It seems with the new Healthcare chances doctors are now being paid more for quantity rather than quality. U.S. healthcare spending is on track to double over the next ten years to five point two trillion dollars about twenty one percent of the gross domestic products. One way some of this could go toward the better is if they put in a good knowledge management system. This would help things run a lot better and faster. People would not have to fill out the same old paper work every time they went to the doctor. Same with doctors, they would not have to keep refilling out the same paper work over and over on the same patient. If there was ever a life or death situation this would be the best way to see records rather than having to search through pager files. If doctors use collaborative knowledge management just as we use in class everyday, they will be able to share their findings with colleagues and find ways to cure diseases so much faster. This is would help out the practice of the doctors a lot and would basically help everyone in our nation. Healthcare is not looking good right now but it seems that it is going to be a lot better in the future but that is going to come with a lot more spending of the U. S. tax dollars.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The video was about Linda Mason and how she started her career. Through out this video she giving advice on different career choices. The video seemed as if she was telling us to to rethink what we are doing with our lifes and what we want to come from them. One of the  main pointer I got out of it was that you always try to find a job doing something you love. I have been having problems with coming up what I was to after college and I really need to find a job place that I like. She also talked about how if you are wanting to start a family or maybe a big project dont get in over your head. The main thing is to do what make you happy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

knowledge as a strategic asset

Knowledge is what makes every company better and in return makes more money. Every company should always want to better themselves and this is done with knowledge. This is sometimes a promblem in bigger companies where workers can easily help one another out with problems that already occured. Therefore the company has to hire someone to come in and fix the problem. This takes alot of time and money. If the knowledge is better the company is going to be better and if the compnay is better than that means the company will make more money. Knowledge is a big asset in any company.

increasing return

Increasing returns creates competition among businesses that deals with a similar product. The companies fix their product to be better and do something different than the next. So when a company has a good product that is better than the rest it will increase in their output and an increase in their returns to scale. If a company can some how spend less money but at the same time sale more of thier product that will increase net profit. Anytime that net profit goes up there will also be an increase in returns. Technology is one way this is happening in our econony today. Technology is taking jobs away from real people and doing the job better.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Problem: The problem was Xerox’s Knowledge Management Systems. The employees were not commutating with each other well at all. The employees that were in the know how didn’t really have a good way to help the employees that didn’t know how to run or fix the program.

Solution: Eureka was the system that Xerox made that solved their problem. Eureka was a web-based application that employees could use to post solutions to the problems in the company. The Eureka system allowed any engineer to document and post solutions to any problems they faced instantly.

Benefits: Engineers were able to solve the problems a lot faster. Time is money and with the engineers fixing the problems a lot faster they were saving the Xerox a lot of money. Xerox saw a 10 percent reduction in labor and cost improvement in France. Xerox accumulated over 50,000 solutions in just a few years with 70 to 80 percent participation of engineers.

Difficulties: With it being a new program it took time to learn how to use and the employees didn’t want to take the time to learn it.

Lessons Learned: A great way to better your company in many ways is to have a good Knowledge Management System.


#3) The characteristics of globalization are integrated through a global network of communication, transportation, and trade. Competition is becoming increasingly global and the ability to compete head-to head in all major markets is essential for success. Time plays a big role in glogbalization. Global production is bringing a new global rationalisation of production, coordination, combination and accumulation of assets. When dealing with globalization there is substantial national and regional structural adjustment.

The Characteristics of knowledge economy increasing role of knowledge as a factor of production and its impact on skills, learning, organisation and innovation.

Globalization increase competition in many ways but one being that you are sellin your product to alot more people. Not being global would mean that your product would only be known by a select number of people rather than the entire world.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog #1

#1)There are many driving forces of a knowledge economy. Globaliztion is one of the major driving forces that come to mind.  The economy we live in today is a very competitive market and we are always looking for the best and cheapest products, which does not always come from the US. Inforatiom and knowledge are two other forces that drive the knowledge economy. They are both endless, more and more people are working less with their hand and more with their heads. New media is another way the knoweledge ecnomy becomes stronger. The better the media the easier it is to gain knowledge. Computer networking and Connectivity is a huge driving force with the internet it is an easy way to connect with people worldwide.
#2) Knowledge intensity is what a person needs to know to do their job the best way and to be ready for any curve balls that come the workers way.